Friday, 29 March 2013

Choose a chip flavour for Lay's

Lay's Canada is having a great contest to choose their next chip flavor. You can win $50,000 and 1% of the sales. My hubby saw the ads on tv and decided that he could win with Roasted Garlic and Parmesan. He doesn't have a Facebook account and so I have entered it for him.  While I was at it, I had to add my own flavour which happens to be Taco.

Chips are a treat at our house but we all really enjoy them when we get them. My husband prefers the hot and spicy kind - jalapeno or habenero. I like Salt and Vinegar, Dill Pickle and sometimes Ketchup. The boys are with me although my Doodle will sometimes try the spicy chips because my husband is eating them and then he'll make a funny face and try to tell us that he likes them. Lay's are usually our chips of choice when we get them.

I would appreciate any votes that I can get. If you think that Roasted Garlic and Parmesan sound delicious you can vote at and if you prefer Taco you can vote at . While you are there, add your own flavour and let me know and I will be happy to vote for you!

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Canadian and WW Giveaways I Entered

I love blog giveaways and that is what actually gave me the idea to start blogging.  I have come across a few great ones that I have entered and hope to pass that information on. The first is for 3 books from Chapters Indigo, ending April 2. It is on The Knit Wit by Shair and you can find it at .  She also has a giveaway for Uglee pens (ends March 30) at another one for pets from Biovea (ends April 10) at and one for Lays potato chips (ends April 15) at The second blog has, at this point, a low entry giveaway for Everyday Signs online baby sign language classes on 1 Heart, 1 Family (ends  April 12) at . I will try to post any great giveaways when I come across them. Hopefully, one day soon I will have one of my own!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Figuring out this Blogging Thing

I have realized that while I love other people's blogs, I might not be as good at blogging as I thought I would be. My problem is getting into the habit of getting on here regularly and organizing my thoughts and posts into relevant categories. My home page currently contains all of my posts and there is no rhyme or reason to them. I have not written a single review of anything and still have not gotten myself organized enough to post any kind of giveaway even though I have come across some really great free giveaways hosted by others that I just needed to sign up for. Easter is this weekend and I am sure we will be super busy and I really do not know whether or not I will get around to being on the computer without my kids trying to play games and push buttons but starting next week I am going to start committing myself to a post a day for at least a one week period. I will take this weekend to jot down a few ideas and maybe if I make blogging a part of my daily routine it will become easier to remember to commit the time. Wish me luck!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Trying new things

I realized recently that I am stuck in a rut. I have been home for 16 months now and I really love it. I want to spend as much time with my kids as I can but I don't seem to spend any time away from my kids anymore. It is my own fault for not pursuing other activities and I am limited because I don't drive and we only have one car but I need to break out of this and try to do something else. Today I decided that it is time to get back to this blog (some form of communication with other adults) and I found a few websites with business opportunities that don't seem like scams (I have only found one bookkeeping client so far). It is time for me to start getting my life back. I am going to try to do more things for myself and try new things that might seem a little scary but may turn into something great. Wish me luck! Any suggestions would be appreciated.